Under the title “Huế Initiatives – Green Space, Green City”, we call on students, organizations and interested citizens to come up with their own ideas and concepts for green and sustainable developments at selected locations in the city of Huế. For this, the Independent Institute of Environmental Issues (UfU, Berlin) and the Mientrung Institute of Scientific Research (MISR), as part of the Vietnam National Museum of Nature and the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, are jointly hosting a design competition within the framework of the project “GreenCityLabHuế – Strengthening climate resilience of urban regions in Central Vietnam through nature-based solutions for heat adaptation and air quality improvement”.
Please find more information on the design competition below.
Designing a green space in selected residential areas of Huế that contribute to the strengthening of the city’s climate and environmental resilience through nature-based solutions, with a special focus on heat adaptation and air quality improvement.
– Students in Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Urban Planning, Geography, Biology, Landscape Biology, Sociology, Ecology, Engineering, Geology, History, Agrology, Forestry, Environment, Fine Arts, Public Health, and others currently living and studying in Thừa Thiên Huế province.
– Individuals and local organised groups interested in the fields of environment, climate change, landscape planning, or any other of the above mentioned fields, are also encouraged to participate, including amongst others, members of the farmers’ union, the women’s union and the youth union of the districts of Thủy Biều, An Đông, Phú Hội and Tây Lộc.
– Individuals and provincial organised groups with an interest in planning and creating green spaces and nature-based solutions in Huế’s green urban areas, including amongst others the Thừa Thiên Huế Provincial Landscape Society, the Thừa Thiên Huế Beekeeping Association, the Thừa Thiên Huế Provincial Gardening Association, the Thừa Thiên Huế Women’s Union, the Thừa Thiên Huế Provincial Urban Planning and Development Association, the Thừa Thiên Huế Provincial Association of Architects, the Public Health and Preventive Medicine Association of Thừa Thiên Huế Province, and the Community Capacity Development Center.
– Development of a design proposal for a specific green space development for one of four sites within the city districts of Thủy Biều, An Đông, Phú Hội and Tây Lộc, preselected and provided by the organizers
– The green spaces to be designed are aimed to become prototypes and best-practice examples of green infrastructure development using nature-based solutions for addressing challenges from climate change and environmental degradation, and to raise awareness for nature-based solutions among the public
– The green spaces to be designed should contribute to the enhancement of local ecosystem services, such as micro-climate regulation, air purification, transpiration, infiltration, retention and biodiversity, and others.
– The proposal for the green space to be designed should also include components for public education regarding environment and sustainable development.
– The proposal should contain innovative ideas for the improvement of the environmental conditions and quality of life around one of the four preselected sites that could ideally be reproduced at other locations or implemented in a larger scale within the city.
– All detailed requirements for the application for the design competition are defined in the Regulation of the design competition (in Vietnamese):
– Applications have to be submitted in groups from at least 2 members (individuals), including students and individuals from the above mentioned academic disciplines or organisations. Ideally, in each group should be at least one member who has skills in graphic design or digital visualisation.
Most important dates:
– The kick off workshop of the design competition will take place on the 11th December 2021 on-site/online at 14h (2 p.m. Huế time): For participation, please register using the following link: https://bit.ly/HueInitiatives_OpeningEvent
The design competition will be organised in three rounds:
- Preliminary round: From 01/12/2021 to 19/02/2021;
- Semi-final round: From 21/02/2022 to 16/04/2022;
- Final round: From 18/04/2022 to 30/06/2022.
– All participants reaching the semi-final and the final round will receive financial indemnities for their contribution and financial support for the further development of their drafts and models
– The winners of the final round will be by prize money and certificates from the organizers
Contact information:
Individuals and groups willing to participate in the design competition, please contact the organisers via this e-mail adress: greencitylabhue@gmail.com or via phone: 0935051975 (MSc. Hoàng Thị Bình Minh, MISR)