With workshops, round tables, courses and further activities, the GreenCityLabHuế builds for experts, decision-makers and the interested public a platform to share and evolve concepts and ideas related to Green-blue infrastructure and Nature-based solutions in Huế. A high variability of formats ensure that different stakeholder groups are involved in GreenCityLabHuế. The GreenCityLabHuế event calendar gives you an overview over the upcoming and past GreenCityLabHuế events.
Upcoming events
There are upcoming events in March 2025. More information will be published soon.
Past Events
Public Discussion on Green Space Development in Hue
Find more information here.
30th September 2022 from 8 to 12 AM at Hội trường KH2, trường Đại học Khoa học, Đại học Huế, 77 Nguyễn Huệ, Thành phố Huế, Thừa Thiên Huế
Final round and award ceremony of the design competition
Due to the hurricane Noru coming in the next days, the date for the the final round and award ceremony of the design competition was shifted from Wednesday 28th to Friday 30th of September 2022. Find more information here.
24th June 2022: 8AM
Opening of the GreenCityLabHuế Exhibition/Display– HuếIDS: Address
The GreenCityLabHuế opened its doors with an opening celebration for invited decision-makers and experts. Find more information here.
26th June 2022 – 10. July 2022
Daily opening of the GreenCityLabHuế Exhibition/Display
During two weeks of continuous opening, the GreenCityLabHuế exhibition/display invited the public to learn about the many positive effects of Green-blue infrastructure in the urban environment and Nature-based solutions to environmental challenges in the 21st century.