The Living Exhibition is one of the key activities of the GreenCityLabHuế (GCLH) project and aims at stimulating discussion and collaboration, sharing knowledge and information, and generating new knowledge, ideas and specific proposals. It will be located in 3 venues: The Mientrung Institute for Scientific Research (MISR), the Thừa Thiên Huế Institute for Development Studies (Hue IDS) and the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Sciences (FoA) from the Huế University (HUSC). In the morning of June 24th 2022, the opening event of the GreenCityLabHue Living Exhibition took place at HueIDS. A variety of delegates were invited to the opening event, including decision-makers, representatives from universities, institutes, associations, and other visitors. We were honored to welcome representatives from the Department of Planning and Investment, Department of Agricultural and Rural Development, Department of Natural Resources and Environment and Department of Construction.
At the opening event, after the cultural performance from Hue’s local musical band, there were welcoming remarks from Dr. Cung Trong Cuong (Hue IDS), Assoc. Prof. Pham Hong Thai (MISR) and Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Tung (HUSC). Besides, we also received greetings via video from Dr. Michael Zschiesche, the Director of the Independent Institute for Environmental Issues (UfU).
Subsequent to the welcoming part, Mr. Fabian Stolpe (UfU) delivered a presentation to provide further information on the GreenCityLabHue project, including: its overall objectives, major activities and expected results. Afterwards, Prof. Dr. Dagmar Haase (Humboldt University) delivered a presentation on Co-developing pathways for future green-blue infrastructure development in Huế. Lastly, a presentation on Co-learning on nature-based solutions (NBS) and co-design of green infrastructure was delivered by Ms. Hoang Binh Minh from MISR. In the discussion session, contributions from the speakers as well as comments from the audience underlined the important role of the promotion of green and blue infrastructure (GBS) for the development of Hue City.
The last session of the opening day was the official opening reception of the GCLH exhibition. Thereby, we offered guided tours throughout different components of the exhibition including project information, climate change and Hue, GBI and NBS, effects of GBI and NBS, Green City Vision Hue and Design Competition and Showcases.
With various activities and informative contents, we are looking forward to have your attendance at our opening days.
The project “GreenCityLabHuế – Strengthening climate resilience of urban regions in Central Vietnam through Nature-based Solutions for heat adaptation and air quality improvement” (GCLH project) is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and carried out by a consortium of German and Vietnamese research institutions and think tanks. These include the Independent Institute for Environmental Issues (UfU), the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin (HUB) from Germany, and the Mientrung Institute for Scientific Research (MISR), the Thừa Thiên Huế Institute for Development Studies (HueIDS), and the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Sciences (FoA) from the Huế University (HUSC) from Vietnam.
A News Clip about the Opening of the GreenCityLabHuế was broadcasted by a local TV Channel.